Does the hype train deliver, or get derailed? Find out right now.
Graphics: Outstanding graphics. I would dare say these are the best graphics that I have seen on the 360 so far. Characters look gritty, but crisp. And the environments are truly a sight to behold. Excellent work all around.
Sound: The sound in this one was very good. However, there's not anything here that you haven't heard before really. Alot of explosions, bullets, etc. Definitly adequate for the game, but not really mind-blowing.
Control: Takes some getting used to. You will have to go easy on the A button, as it runs AND takes cover. At first, I didn't like the over-the-shoulder camera angle very much. I hated it in RE4 and, although it is a bit further back in this one, I didn't feel it was a good idea. However, after sitting down and playing the game for a few hours, I can tell you that it soon becomes second-nature and didn't give me any of the problems that I was expecting it to. The reloading is tricky, as you try to stop a swing meter in the right spot in order to get a quick reload, but if you miss, the gun will jam and this will really screw you over at times, ESPECIALLY if you are using the sniper rifle...last boss anyone? (not a spoiler..I just opted to use that weapon is all)
Gameplay: Immersive. I got sucked into this game for hours on end. The only problem? You can only do that about three times because you hit the credits screen. Way too short, and the ending is less than satisfying. Running through the environments fighting the bad guys is very cool, even though eventually it does get repetitive. I have heard this game compared to Killswitch quite a few times, and I would say that's somewhat accurate as far as the cover system goes. You are either in cover, or you are dead. To some, this will annoy to no end. To others, it will be much more realistic. I tend to lean towards the latter. The only thing I would like to have seen some improvement on is the story....we need more of it.
All in all, Gears is a great game that's worthy of a purchase no question. But that's my opinion. My best friend bought the game at the same time I did. I came home, played it, and after he saw it, he returned his copy and got Saint's Row. To him, the game just didn't offer anything different. Said it felt "generic". But it's all in what you like. And I know, I like Gears. Purchase worthy? I think so. Rental? You could easily beat it in a weekend. The question is, will you want to keep playing? I know I do.