A must-play for any 360 owner.

User Rating: 9.4 | Gears of War X360
Although it was the first game I'd played for Xbox 360, I must say, Gears of War is a superb game. The graphics are astounding on a HDTV especially, and the landscape and cutscenes are very crisp and brilliant.

The gameplay is almost perfect. The only real problem I have is, when in a situation where only Dom or one other character is following you, the AI tends to be unintelligent and unresponsive to your unit commands. Other than that, combat is a great experience. The intuitive fire controls and weapon command (especially reloading) is fantastic, and contains little-to-no glitches.

Though this doesn't really begin to describe the game in its wholeness, Gears of War is indeed a great game for any Xbox 360 owner, and is a must have for any shooter fan.