Where's the rest?

User Rating: 8 | Gears of War X360
This is one intense game. You're constantly in amazing shootouts trying to figure out the best way to deal with the relentless onslaught around you. It's even better in two player co-op. But kinda like newer Six Flags rollercoasters, the rides over before you know it. Within a couple hours I was staring at my screen yelling "no f*@king way! That can't be it!" Considering I'm not that huge a fan of multi-player, there wasn't much left for me. An awesome game while it lasted, but more worthy of a good weekend rental than a full purchase. Not to mention that it all ends just when the story starts to get kind of interesting. For a good single player experience there are plenty of better games on the market to choose from. Farcry for example. I recommend renting this one and searching the bargain bins for a few other, longer lasting shooters.