Finally a reason to buy a 360!!! Excellent graphics and gameplay. Should keep me going untill Halo 3!

User Rating: 9.2 | Gears of War X360
If like me you bought a 360 just for Halo 3 but are annoyed that it's taking so long to be released this game is for you. It is a 3rd Person shooter (which I didnt realise before buying) but that doesn't really detract from the game at all. It plays much like a Halo in many respects. You're a huge soldier with lots of firepower with which to take out a variety of Monster/Aliens(???) The graphics are stunning, posibly the first game to surpass (the now 2 year old) Half-life 2 in terms of graphics. Character models, Backdrops and particle effects are all top notch. With dust, explosions, blood and weapons flare all really adding to the high adrenaline feel to the game. The story line is one place where the game falls down when compared to the Halo series. You start the game as a soldier broken out of prison to fight off invading monsters. The game never really explains where they came from or what they want and generally just assumes you'll want to kill them, perhaps because they're ugly? There's a brief description in the game manual about how they came from underground and took over the world or something. The story never starts and never really progresses from there. You simply go from place to place killing things and listening to instructions.

Gameplay is fantastic thanks to the games duck and cover mechanic. The green 'A' button on the pad serves as a multifunction cover trigger. Simply pressing it when near a man sized object throws him into cover allowing him to heal. With combinations of other buttons you can quickly pop out and fire or gracefully move from cover to cover. This is the essential ingredient of the game as you will generally find your self dead if you stay out in the open for more than a few seconds. As a result you'll be dashing around and making pinpoint shots so as to leave yourself exposed for as little time as possible. It all makes for exciting, griping gameplay but I have to warn you this is not an easy game. I consider myself a game veteran and I find myself retrying certain battles a dozen times to get passed it.