Awesome Game, If You Own A Xbox 360...YOU MUST BUY THIS GAME!
User Rating: 9.5 | Gears of War X360
I do not own a 360, but I went to my friends house one day and we played Gears Of War and all I have to say is......awesome! The game is a very good shooter (I think it is better than Halo 3). The graphics in this game are superb. I do enjoy the camera and the gameplay as it is something new and very enjoyable. I did enjoy the story as I was play Co-Op with my friend. The best feature of the game was the online play as online is very fun to play on this game. I did enjoy the characters and the blood and gore in this game as it did set new heights for violet games. I also liked the fact that the story was actually diffcult and something you would be playing for a while (Unlike Tony Hawk games). One other thing I enjoyed about the game wasthe fact that you could just hit people with your guns and if you had a chainsaw, chooped their head off. The only thing I wished was that the levels were bigger. Altogether, i advise you to buy this if you are a online shooter fan and would like a good story for a shooter. I do think this is a masterpiece for the 360 and Pc (which I will buy it for Pc soemtime soon).