Quite possibly the best 360 game yet.
User Rating: 10 | Gears of War X360
This game is unbelievable in so many ways. This game was highly anticipated from Epic Games. We all knew it would be an impact for the 360. It was know and it is an excellent game. With some of the most impressive graphics and innovative cover and reload systems, these are just 3 ways how you can describe Gears of War. You play as a soldier named Marcus Fenix, who has been jailed for his failure. His buddy Dom busts him out to help out in the war against the Locust Horde. Now these Locust seem like cake to some, but the toughness on how hard these Locust fight is very impressive. The AI is highly outstanding, in which they really put up a huge fight. Your squad members can hold their own, but I realized they could kind of be better on charging out into the fight. Like, at the end, Dom just ran out for his life, in which he didn't survive it. Other than that, the AI is great. The reload system is really surprising. I don't think any other game could top this reload system. An active reload (by pressing RB at the right time after pressing it once) can give you a damage boost. The cover system is really good, you can basically take cover behind anything, even a car that could be pushable! If there are flaws with Gears of War, first off-- the difficulty is too high. Somehow, it can get very frustrating to complete a part that seems hard. (Example: General RAAM.) Gears' Multiplayer is really good too. It actually surpassed Halo 2 which is really unbelievable. Halo 2 had the crown until when this game came out. Overall, get Gears of War. It's a game that I think I should play until Halo 3 comes out. Then I'll be deciding if it's Gears of War or Halo 3.