Pure simple-minded video gaming bliss! The online game however may not be for everyone...
I think what helps make the player feel this way is that you kind of feel connected to these characters. You have three companions that will travel with you to complete missions and each has his own personality. There's a lot of chatter, humor and mindless banter that just makes you laugh sometimes and adds to the entire entertaiment factor of this game. I think one of my favorite characters is Cole. "Can't stop the cole train baby! Woo!" "Oh yeah I'm back in the game!" LMAO!! I think when I first saw cole introduced in the game I nearly popped a nerve from laughing so hard! I would pay good money to see some quality actors emulate personalities such as cole and baird in this game. Anyway I digress.....
Again, the cover system is the heart of this game. Hide behind a slab of cement, cars, around corners, behind couches, etc.. You need to take cover or you will die! The controls are perfect if you ask me! Most of the actions excuted can be done with the A button. Most people complain about this and to me that makes no sense. Lets keep it simple people!! The weapons are cool. Definitely the coolest one is the lancer that will let you chansaw some locusts after pumping holes in them with the same weapon. This game is so addictive in the single player campaign that I have gone through all three difficulty levels. Now for some not so good news.....the multiplayer online. I thnk the only kind of online gaming that I could get into with this game is with the cooperative online campaign...that's sweet! The other modes include a 4vs4 game which is basically deathmatch in three different outfits. Execution, Assisination and Warzone. Execution is just like warzone only instead of just killing opposing squad members you need to finish them off with a curb stomp or head shot etc... Assisnation is just killing the leader of the other squad. This game could really use some other options in the online games such as maybe capture the flag but honestly that's not my biggest problem with the online mode. My biggest problem is that Cliffy and Epic stated that they wanted to emulate some real intense firefight shootouts! Fine this was done marvelously in the single player game! So why slow the game down to some strategic snail-paced game that only involves 8 players. There's just not enough action as in the single player game. If I wanted some slow paced strategy game I'd go back to GRAW. The funny thing about it is that in GRAW you could argue that there is a little more action considering you can play with up to 16 players. I dunno. I was disappointed with GOW's online game and for some reason I just can't get into it. The online gaming is really not that bad. It's just not my type of online fun. Actually I think it can get quite boring. I don't mind a little strategy but please bump it up to 16 players for Gears 2. Don't mind me however because if you like the A-team-like team strategic play then great! The single player is so perfect to me though that my disappointment with the online mode doesn't change my overall opinion that this game is just so much fun and addictive! You need to buy this game like yesterday!!