Gears Of War is a breath of fresh air in this time where there is so much saturation in the industry.
User Rating: 9.8 | Gears of War X360
Gears Of War is the super hyped game from epic, the creators of unreal, and it takes gaming even farther than did the unreal series. In Gears Of War, or GOW as it is refered to, you play as Marcus Fenix, a tough guy who has been imprisoned for some unknown reason. His friend Dom, who the second person will play as in co-op. Marcus becomes a squad consisting of himself, Dom, Cole, Baird, Kim, and that one old guy, AKA the General dude. This squad is faced with eliminating the locust threat before they take over the world. Throughout the single player you will learn to use strange weapons that are perfect when you get to multiplayer. The button configuration in the game is very well done. Aim with the left trigger, shoot with the right trigger, but the most important aspect is the cover system. The A botton is really the most important because its how you move around the world. Its how you get in cover, get out of cover, run, and many other useful tasks. The gameplay in the single player is definetly something that anyone could love, but without the multiplayer, the game would already be losing interest. The multiplayer is by far the most fantastic part of the game, way better than anything I have ever played. The basics of the multiplayer is that there is a locust team as well as a COG team. Each team can contain 4 players and you may choose which team you would like. The maps are beautifully well done and there is always a new way to go if you need a new plan. The voice chat makes the game fun to interact with other people. Its always fun to chainsaw someone and here them cry. The achievements in the game are surprisingly balanced. Some being for the single player and some for multiplayer. The single player achievements are just for completeing the game on each difficulty, collect things, and so on. The multiplayer achievements are mostly for getting 100 kills with each weapon in a ranked match. As of when I am writing this I have 950 out of the 1000 posible achievements. The last achievements i need is to kill 10,000 enemies in ranked matches a difficult task but if you are reading this I may have already gained it. So in the end, GOW is really a must buy for every single person with a 360. The game is absolutly incredible. You will not regret spending the 60 bucks on this amazing game.
EDIT: Now I have completed the 10,000 kills achievement yet i still play the game on a regular basis. That is how good it is.