Greatest 360 game ever? Hell Yeah!!!

User Rating: 9.6 | Gears of War X360
Gameplay: Howz it feel to sneak up on an unsuspecting victim and chainsawing them into pieces? How would it feel to headshot a massive Boomer (a locust ganedier) and watch its head explode into a bloody mess? I'll tell you... pretty damn good!!! The weapons are fantastic. The shotgun blows the enamy to pieces. When the enamy gets shot, bloods splatters all over your screen. There is an excessive blood splattering effect especially when you chainsaw someone. The cover system is intuative and is extremly useful. You can easily duck, pop up and squeeze off a few rounds, run to the next cover, sneak up behind the enamy, and finaly chainsaw them in the face. Then roll to the next piece of cover and repeat. The controls are very easy to use. Graphics:
The graphics and the physics are very realistic. The game is gritty and the people look real. The ragdoll physics make death sequences hilarious. The colors are vibrant and the art design is unique. From urban cities, to broken down houses, to underground catacombs, the levels all have great design and a gritty realism to it.
The sound is amazing. From the battle cries of the locust to the creepy chirping of the Krill before they kill, the sound is never laggy or feels like they are from a nineteen eighties canned sound effects. The epic music in the game can make most A list movies tremble although the dialogue is pathetic.
Value: Easily a 30 hour game on insane (I greatly suggest you take the Hardcore diffuculty option on your first round through since Insane needs to be unlocked) The multiplayer options such as Warzone, Execution, Assassination, etc. add another 50 hour gameplay experience to the table because they are very addicting. Once again, chainsawing someone in the fave is very very satisfying especially knowing that a real live person was controlling that person. Tilt:
Overall, I think this game is the Halo 3 of this year until Halo 3 actually comes out. I hope they make a sequel because not only is this a masterpiece of a game, it is definitely an instant classic. GET THIS GAME!!!!!