Seriously, games like this make Xbox 360 one of the greatest consoles ever, one of the best games out there!
Actually I got this game when the trailers for GOW2 started, the trailers were pretty cool, so I thought: "The hell with it i'll get it".
Now I realize how foolish I was, this game OWNS, and I mean it, the story is amazing, graphics really good, the gothic environment is really something, the gameplay, well almost beyond words, first I was expecting your everyday FPS, but no, it isn't anything remotely like that, this game has a mixture of adventure, action, awesomeness that make it an instant x360 blockbuster.
The main character Marcus Phoenix is one of the best game characters out there, his and all cast voice-acting was amazing, giving the game the feeling of a really well made movie.
Multiplayer is really good, with the only drawback of host problem, and by host problem I mean not a lack of host players, but the overpowering of them, the host is literally stronger, faster than the rest of the players, but if you are skilled enough you can overcome this pretty quickly.
Weapons in both modes are really cool, the gore will leave your insatiable bloodlust satisfied for the time being.
Now if you don't have the game stop wasting your time reading my overexcited reaction and buy it and get addicted to one of the best stories ever made in a videogame.