One of the single best shooters out there

User Rating: 10 | Gears of War X360
People try to compare this game to Resistance Fall of Man for the Ps3. Sony Fanboys like to say Its equal if not better than Reistance. This could not be farther from the truth. Gears of war is so much better than Reistance and most shooters that it is funny.

Graphics- Astounding, even on my crappy little CRT standard definiton television this game looked incredible. Everything was expertly detailed from Marcus Fenix's face to the hideous locust horde that I was forced to fight. This game is beautiful.

Sound- Good everthing sounds great. Very realistic. I really dont know how to judge sound quality though, but by my standards this is great.

Gameplay- This is truly where this game shines. I've never seen more efficent controls in a game and the cover mechanic is like nothing I've ever seen. And the AI is pretty intellegent also, not "Know your every move" smart thank goodness.

This game is great and I reccommend it to anyone who owns a XBOX 360. To you loser Sony Fanboys EAT ME!!!!!