WoW!!! Was that a Game???

User Rating: 9 | Gears of War PC
Those kind of games must come out more often.. I mean In the beginning I didn't realized that the cut scene was over and the game started. It is an immersive experience that will make you stuck in place until you finish it.
Of course that won't be easy especially if you are playing on a higher difficulty. And of course that is one of the worst and at the same time most challenging things. But apart from that all the other aspects of the game are just AWESOME. The graphics are Terrific and the landscapes are so big that make you think if this is an alternative reality (Just kidding, i overrate things sometimes xD). Anyway the great thing about this game apart from the graphics is the addictiveness. It can make you think about it all the time (which is not so good, by the way), but don't worry, after you've finished it those thoughts will go away, just like any other game that after time gets lost in space :P. The sound is great especially the dialogue of Mr. Fenix which, by the way, is not very appropriate for a soldier like him.

Anyway in summary the game is a great experience and an absolute must-play for whoever missed the version on the Xbox 4 years ago (!), just like myself. :D. Although I don't like FPS, TPS games in total, this game made me rethink my stance against this genre and I will surely buy GeaRs of WaR 2! Just to see what happens with the Locust :D.