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User Rating: 8.5 | Gears of War X360
Okay here the thing i went to my cousins house to play his 360 and i walk in look at hes games and there's gears of war. Im like Rhys do you want to play so we put it on and play most likely the best game on the 360...

The story of gears isn't going to go down as an amazing story. it might not go down as a great-good story. The thing is that it has an GREAT back story but it just wasn't brought out as much as it should have. The story basically is like o there are aliens kill them. IF the backstory was out it would be like aliens are attacking us and they could answer the WHY question. Why daddy are locust invading BECAUSE WE STARTED A 79 YEAR LONG WAR , CIVIL, STOLE THEIR RESOURCES AND TOOK THEIR LAND.

Sound in gears is good at best. the sound of lancers going of and maybe the locust returning fire with Hammerbursts and cole train yelling. It does sound good not an amazing sound but it is quite good. Voice acting could have been better and the script also should have been better.

Gameplay is gears is very ambitious. you take cover lean out shoot. maybe blind fire, chuck a grenade then come in chainsaws reeving. It might SOUND like a shoot first ask questions then shoot again. but its not. If you don't take cover your gonna pay with your life. Like on harder difficulties it shows. A cool/annoying thing is when your outside in the dark and your not in light these ''things'' kill you instantly. Another annoyance is when ONE member dies you have to start again at a checkpoint. But when im playing gears and i or my cousin dies. Then we both die. Multiplayer is fairly addicting but with only a handful of game modes it can get fairly repetitive.

Graphics in gears has set a new benchmark in gaming. The real only big issue i have with it is that its so dark so you can't see the graphics in all its glory. Textures popping is here but with a game with this good graphics is forgivable.
