A game that makes the right step in this genre, but definitely over-hyped...

User Rating: 9.1 | Gears of War X360
Right now, people (mainly GS) have hyped this game without match. Seriously, websites and gaming magazines loved giving this game the press that it got. And did it deserve it? Mainly, yes, it did. However, that doesn't mean the game's perfect by any means. Yeah, it does a lot for this genre, however, I can't shake the feeling that it's ended up like Halo, where everyone's willing to say how good and amazing it is. Yes, it is a great shooter, however, there's still countless problems I've found. A great game that easily defeats Halo, but could have done more.

Gameplay: In the single player game, you play as Marcus Fenix, a guy that's been sprung out of prison to help fight against these Aliens that have come from the ground. These creatures have pretty much destroyed the majority of Earth and turned the whole place into a war zone. It's now up to you and your squad to find this piece of technology that has been rumored to be strong enough to destroy these things and give humanity the chance it needs to survive. Although that sounds simple, there are twists here and there but they really don't change much. Plus, the story isn't very deep and doesn't reveal too much of what the hell is going on and it doesn't really tell about the world, the history of your character, and all that good stuff that you'd think would be in a hyped up game like this. With disappointments aside, I still found it to be just as good as the first installment of Halo's story, which is pretty good for video game standards. Anyway, the gameplay takes place in an over the should camera that gives you a good view of the action and really works well with controls. For example, when sprinting, the character gets this sort of warzone/ documentary type angle that really looks cool and helps get the style of the game around. Now, if you've ever played a run and gun, forget what you learned. Really, that won't help much with learning this game's mechanics. Instead of having to maneuver yourself in a ridiculous style to avoid fire and enemies, you simply get yourself behind some cover, pop up over and shoot from there. Although I thought this might not work, it is really awesome. I mean, I think it adds something that I have been wanting from shooters which is realistic mechanics. This is how fighting nowadays really takes place, behind cover. Anyway, although there is cover, you also can chainsaw guys, try and run and gun (which can work well at times), or you can simply use tactics to find a way to surprise your enemies. I really like this whole thing that's been implemented since it adds tactics without over complicating gameplay or creating a learning curve that simply will be hated by most. Then again, with all that said, there are problems. One, the chainsaw is simply too powerful. I've found myself being able to rev and cut down people in a matter of 2 seconds. Sure, chainsawing is cool, but it's a little too effective. Two, although the multiplayer is really fun, it just doesn't utilize the gameplay as well as I would have liked. I mean, what, three modes?!?!?!?! That's sad. Three, the use of one button for all your actions does make things easier for new comers, but sometimes it can lead to your death and can cause you to always sprint farther from the walls than you'd like. Four, some weapons are so powerful, that I feel that they kind of take away from the cover idea. I mean, I've seen a player simply run and gun through a level with his shotgun. He's able to do this since the multiplayer maps are a little cramped and on the small side. Sure, small maps are nice for this gameplay, but that means that chainsawing and shotguns are easily twice as effective as they should. Anyway, with that said, you should still have a blast with the gameplay and all the new stuff it brings to the table. Sure, there are kinks in the armor, but overral it's really just plain ol' fun which is the most important. 9/10

Graphics: Technically speaking, these may be the best graphics yet. In 720p you will be in awe of how amazing these graphics look. Even in Standard def you'll still love the looks. Artistically, the environments look great, but they seem out of place and don't really fit a futuristic Earth. I mean, Gothic style architecture in 50 years from now? I don't think so. But still, the environments look very creative. The textures are also amazing. However, the animation were very lacking. For me, everything didn't move fluidly, or just how it should. The chainsaw animation looked extremely stage. Just walking looked a little odd. Getting against cover didn't seem right either. The animations aren't bad, they just don't seem right. Games like Twilight Princess, Super Mario 64, and RE4 have animations that look better than what this game offers. Plus, the blood looks dumb. Seriously, it looks like red toxic waste that kind of glows in a purple tone or something. It looks cool for gore fanatics, but again, it seem weird and out of place. Anyway, these graphics are great, but with tons of animations that seem robotic and not fluid and blood that looks just weird you can't say it's perfect. 9/10

Sound: The Sound effects are without a doubt great. If I were to base it off sound effects alone, I'd give it a 9 easily. However, the music, although good in quality, just isn't great. It's okay, but not great. Usually game music sets the tone or helps get you into the game. This game's music doesn't make you feel that it's bad, just nothing special. So, SFX rock, but music isn't nothing to be happy about. 8/10 Value: This category I scored harshly mainly because shooters usually can last forever. With good multiplayer, you may just love a game for that alone. However, the games multiplayer is very lacking and can only be played for short times (an hour) or else it gets boring. Even with more levels due to a new download, I don't see as much replay value as there should be. Only three multiplayer modes? Are you kidding me! Plus, setting up games can't work as well as you'd like it to. However, the singleplayer is always fun to play with a friend. This is definitely one of the ways you'll be wasting time on this game. I haven't had this much fun in co-op since well.... I don't know. It really works well. So, although multiplayer can get boring and repetitive after too much play time, co-op can really be fun to enjoy with buddies. Really, you probably won't play this as extensively as Halo or Counter Strike. But that doesn't mean that those are better. 8/10

All in all, I loved this game. Sure, I think that like Halo, it's over-hyped since GS gave it a high score, but it definitely is something new and exciting for the genre and I think that most anybody will enjoy it. A great 360 game that alone is enough to get the system.