I dont think I know the words to discribe this masterpiece

User Rating: 10 | Gears of War X360
OMFG!!! this game is soo cool, from the campain to Xbox Live you will never get bored it is the best game ever since Halo. There are soo many ways to kill..no..OWN somebody. Once you have them on the floor..well lets just say you can let your imagination go free. When you pick up a weapon you pick your part in the game. You can be the guy or girl that stands back and picks out heads in the crowd or the one that goes in first and rips the face off the unlucky dude. This game will not leave your disktray for a long long time. There are three game types and about a dozen maps. This game is a must buy. Instead of dog tags they are calle COG tags. When you get online you can be COGs or Locoust. Online matches are 4 on 4.And don't try insane without somebody esle...you have been warned.