Gears is a game that leaves you in awe... at the end of it you just go wow...
User Rating: 9.6 | Gears of War X360
Ok... Gears... is a game that just sticks out above everything else, and let me just get it out there... it has the best graphics of any game to date and will for a bit, its a technical masterpiece and one of the best games to come out in a while, so let me get on to why its so great. Gameplay- one word, awsome. you would think watching the trailers it would get repetitive, but in reality its the most fun on a console shooter since halo 2, the campaign is worth going through over and over like halo:CE, it has the story and likeable characters to keep you interested and a great enemy the locust. the duck and cover system though not new is just so well done you would think its something new to gaming, everything is well balanced too weapons to maps everything is done really well. the only reason it didnt get a 10 is that the multiplayer lacks variety, and even though it only has three gametypes which are ultimately deathmatches, thats all this game needs, i have played the multiplayer extensivly, and it just never gets boring. BUT it would of been nice to have other gametypes... maybe in gears 2!... 9!!!!
Graphics- DROP DEAD GORGEOUS thats all thatreally needs to be said, and anybody that has heard about this game already knows this. this game is so amazing in this department, unlike alot of games that claim to make you feel like your in a movie, this game makes you feel like than and more. so yeah Graphics... 10!!!!
Sound- im not really a sound buff, but i found it just great, it added to the feeling of the campaign and the guns and everything sounded fantastic, even the soldiers breathing was well done, its musical score is great to, and i loved the rap song by Cole when you beat the game. Value- must buy will provide so much enjoyment, everyone that is a gamer and has a 360 needs Gears of War, the only thing that hurt its value is if your a CTF buff or dislike deathmatch your not going to find nothing thrilling with its multiplayer...but if you like deathmatch (like who wouldnt) your in for endless enjoyment.
Reviwers tilt- im off to play this game more and my advice to you is to go buy this game NOW! you owe it to yourself as a gamer to experience this game.