The best damn 360 game. Peroid
Graphics: Some of if not the best Graphics i have ever seen in my life.
Perfect Skin textures along with some flawless effects make this a phenomonal looking games. But in Co-op and Multiplayer most of the time textures have to load up. But none the less. It's an amazing looking game.
Sound: This game has some amazing voice acting along with noise effects. Plus this game has a great sense of humor which makes the voice acting even better.
But Some annoying phrases repeat plus that unknown locuse female overload lady-thing did not deserve to speak plain english. And i don't understand what the locust say most of the time.
My immature brain thinks there saying curse words.
Gameplay: Were the game truly shines.
Singleplayer is a fun and challenging thrill ride that is fun in everyway. But the lenght kills it.
But the replayable makes me forgive it.
You can beat the game on every mode and still not be bored.
And if your an achivement person this game has a load of singleplayer achivements. Co-op is the best part though.
Multiplayer is even better.
It's an intense. Adrenaline pumping thrill ride which which is the cherry on top of the cake for this game.
Warzone is a standard deathmatch.
Execution is a personal Fav. In this mode the only way you can kill your enemies to by Chainsawing, Grenadding,Curb stomping,usong your shotgun,whacking 'em with your gun when there downed ETC.
Assassination Stink's....Nuff Said!!!
Plus there is some verry challenging Achivements which are worth it to get.
Overall: Gears is my favorite game of '06 and my favorite 360 game.
Just fix the texture problems,Horrible back story and you get a flawless games.
Gears Gets a 9.6 out of 10.