Gears of War is a triumph in all of gaming. Delivers heart pounding, non stop action in both single & multiplayer ac

User Rating: 10 | Gears of War X360
Microsofts' Gears of War is simply put, the best game i have seen inn many, many years. Easily the best game of all the next-generation gaming to date. It will stand on its own for it creative use of a third person game play style. Gears of War throws a new card out into the world of Halo and first person madness, This game sets a much higher and brand new standard for games to live up to for many years to come. The Graphics blow your mind and the gameplay delivers everything you could want and much much more. The Xbox live aspect is amazing with 8 person multiplayer and a 2 person Co-op that is exhilerating. If you don't own this game go out right now and BUY IT!!! must own!!!