Amazing mindless killing spree!!!! Emphasis on 'mindless.'
You play as Marcus Fenix. There's a war going on. You're mission is... Hell, nobody really knows! Just kill anything that moves! Screw the 'why' and the 'what for.' What more motivation do you need to blow the head off a grub other than the fact that its pure fun!?
Honestly, though, there is no real descernable story here. What little story there is is written in the game's manual, so be sure to read that before getting started on the campaign. I failed to do so and was pretty confused the whole game. Not even the manual manages to enlighten you when it comes to some of the bigger and more serious questions. For example, why are we fighting!!??? Why are the bad guys fighting? Where did they come from? Why is Marcus Fenix so important? Why do I even care? Do I have to? Who wrote this senseless garbage that is so devoid of meaning? Does God play GOW on Xbox or GOW on Playstation?
Whatever, the question, don't look for answers here. You will find none. If you intend on playing this game because it looks like a badass sci-fi thriller that is loaded with some sick, twisted, menacing plot of planet-crippling alien destruction you will be sadly, sadly disappointed. If you intend on playing this game because it looks like a badass sci-fi shoot 'em up that is loaded with some sick, twisted, mindless alien head-popping fun then you have selected the perfect game for you. Enjoy!!!