So Awesome
User Rating: 9.8 | Gears of War X360
This game is just great. One of the best ive ever played. dont listen to those who tell you theres no story to this game. true, you dotn get much of a background story from playing the game itself. the story is told through the action. but the backgorund story you get by reading the manual and waiing on the start screen and watching the video that will play. it talks about emergence day. the graphics are the best ive ever seen. people say it is too dark, but that how the game is supposed to be. its dark because the story is a dark and gloomy one. i love the cover system. its perfect for this game, and allows the developers to make massive and intense battle that arent possible unless you take cover. its a technical achievement in its own right, and bound to be as popular and anticipated sequels as Halo. Multiplayer is addictive, but riddled with people who exploit glitches in ranked matches.