Spoiler-Free: This game is the definition of hardcore.

User Rating: 9.9 | Gears of War X360
General: This game is pretty much THE hardcore game for any system. The main weapon is an automatic with a chainsaw for a bayonet. That should say it all. Everything about this game screams intense, violent, and brutal. This cinematic approach is fully engrossing and the epitome of entertaining. The presentation reaches a tier not often seen in the videogame industry. You won't go five minutes without saying, "Holy &*%$, that was awesome!" It feels like it was meant to be played in co-op mode, as flanking and reviving are essential parts of the game, so it's a good thing there are both online and offline coop modes.

Gameplay: 10 - At first, it feels like the mechanics are somewhat shaky, but once you understand how the weapons, grenades, aiming, and action reloads work, the mechanics feel absolutely flawless. This is why I listed a 1 to 2 hour learning curve. The use of cover is a lot of fun, and the presentation creates both a sense of urgency and overwhelming odds. The bosses fit well into the game and lend a lot to the presentation. I truly felt a sense of satisfaction after beating the game. Also, the hammer of dawn (satellite-based laser weapon) rawks.

Graphics: 10 - You can see from the screenshots that the game looks great. The ragdoll physics and destructibility of the corpses seems very realistic and makes kills highly satisfying. Also, the animations for headshots and using the chainsaw bayonet are absolutely hardcore.

Sound: 10 - The sound fits perfectly into the hardcore feel of the game. The characters' responses to good/bad action reloads, kills, closing emergence holes, and reviving others are great. John Dimaggio (Bender on Futurama) was a great choice for Marcus Fenix (the main character). Many complain about the voice acting, but I thought it was very professional. The guitar riff at the end of a fight lets you know that you've mopped up the last of the enemies. Finally, the truly grating scream of the wretches gives one a good sense of just how much sound can contribute to the atmosphere of a game.

Value: 9 - The only thing that keeps the value from being a ten is the fact that the story mode can be played through twice in one rental (if you're committed). While my sister and I are busy people, we managed to play through on hardcore once and insane about half of the way through (you know you can do anything once you finish Act 2... oy...). Still, even playing through the game ten times seems like it would be highly satisfying, and the multiplayer component adds a lot, so I didn't penalize it on value much.

Tilt: 10 - There's no reason not to give this game a 10 for tilt. It's some of the most fun I've had playing video games in a long time. While I'm pissed that Zelda didn't get a 9.0 or higher, I fully acknowledge that Gears is better and a fully phenomenal game. It plays like a movie (even its cliche moments are highly entertaining through the game's great humor) and from the moment you chainsaw your first drone, you know you won't be able to put this game down for a long time.

Final Word: I'm a big believer in renting games before you buy them, but if you're into FPS's, and you're a fan of online multiplayer, buy this game. Now. It's even better than it looks, and that's saying a LOT.

Hope that helps.