the Xbox 360 has its Killer App. And we mean killer.
User Rating: 9 | Gears of War X360
Epic has created an immersive universe that will probably turn into a sequel, a movie and a licensed breakfast cereal. Amazing cinematic flair, gritty attitude and a one-of-a-kind artistic style.The most beautiful game on the Xbox 360. Amazing attention to detail and vibrant, diverse environments make for a feast for the eyes, even on a standard-definition set.Virtually flawless. An excellent musical score, awesome atmospheric audio cues and spot-on sound effects. Crank it up.Simple, accessible and tremendously fun, and that was before the chainsaw. In close, the combat gets wonky, but that doesn't take away from the awesome new cover mechanic and exploding head shots.The single-player/co-op campaign is over too soon, although bumping the difficulty to Insane just about triples the length. For what Versus lacks in gamemodes, it makes up for in fun.