Simply one of the best action games ever made epic games have done it again!

User Rating: 10 | Gears of War X360
Epic games, Unreal tournament a huge series known world wide by gamers alike, now there G.O.W (Gears of war) a 360 exclusive, a november release, the story starts of with the main character marcus pheonix locked away in a prison when he's buddy Dominic Santiago rescues him, once outside you board the king raven (a helicopter) once here you join bravo team which is sent in to look for alpha team which is carrying a device which can turn the tide of the war between the locust and the COG (Coalition of organized Goverments) You play as marcus and COG soldier who is branded a traitor for not following orders, and are chucked away in prision, the guys in the game wear massive armour bigger than anything i've seen in a game except of course unreal but most of the soldiers dont wear helmets this could be due to the fact that there too cool to wear helmets and are soo cool that they dont get hurt by headshots :D but this game is awsome and the graphics are the best the unreal 3 engine has given us at the min. The Gameplay of gears is cool the A button on the 360's remote will let you take cover or if you hold it in will let you "rodeo run" to another piece of cover, Cover is the main focus in this game it so simple, if you dont take cover your gunna die!. Overall Gears of war is a truely awsome game for the 360 we have not seen many games which uses the true power of the xbox 360. Master chief is going to have to work hard to beat marcus!