My first 360 game........
User Rating: 9.2 | Gears of War X360
well this was my first 360 game. First off i got to say that the graphics are very really good! They look so realistic its amazing. The shooting is really fun your going to be finding yourself hiding behind objects though because its hard not too youll get shot and probally die. I am only on chapter two and its dark out and you cant walk into the dark or you will die by a sworm of bats coming to kill you. The game is a little scary at some points but overall its a shooting game not like F.E.A.R. Well it only has five chapters but the levels are really long. It should take you an overall length of probally like 20 hours. Then you have the live to play with i really didnt like to much you die to fast and i Suck at it. I cant wait for halo 3s live i can tell that would be fun. Good game.....but yea you get a really crapy storyline to sart off with but it gets good.