I do love this game, but I dont know everything about it. So I let my friend write this review. And I totally agree.

User Rating: 9.9 | Gears of War X360
This game is like a friggin ROCK! You can't poke holes in it! Some story flaws though, and if you don,t have multi...

Well, the other day, I had a couple of extra bucks left over and so I decided that I was going to buy a game for my 360. I was looking at the highest rated games, and I came across a webpage with a pic of a guy sawing someone in half with his gun!!! I immediatly did more research and found out the this was arguably the best game for the 360! So I went over to my nearest 'EB Games' and... well... I bought it. Unfortunatley, I did not realize how the Gears of War entangle anyone lucky enough to buy this game and I spent the next few days glued to my T.V. Chainsaws, Bola Grenades, and Snipers oh my! You learn very quickly in this game that shields and active camo are a luxury (Halo, and Halo2). You know that familiar and almost comforting purr of a chainsaw turning on and ripping through a hapless opponent? Well, I sure do, and with a few easy steps, you can too!
Step 1. Buy Gears of War
Step 2. Press and hold the B button with the Lancer near a locust But this game isn't all hype though, the desingers also did a great job of totally immersing you in an ecxellent, almost movie-like experience. You can almost feel the thud of an explosive arrow, from the Torque Bow, hitting your arm and then that feeling right before you blow up, when you know you're screwed... priceless. But you are not always being shot at, in fact, you can use just about anything as cover... which is probably the best and most innovative aspect of the game. I will always have a picture in my head of hiding behind a block of cement, with enemy bullets whizzing over me, and my squad-mates dropping like flies and thinking: 'Well, I'm boned...' Then, once dying after hearing the now-dreaded chainsaw I will respawn in the same place but I will try something new and see how the highly intelligent A.I. reacts to my change of tactics.

Gears is a great game, not just because your primary weapon houses a chainsaw, but because every battle will play out differently and because, well... TAKE COVER!!!