Best Game on the Xbox 360 right now! Masterpiece!

User Rating: 9.8 | Gears of War X360
Gears of War is a masterpiece third-person shooter. Be prepared to play with a friend though, because the multi-player (co-op campaign) is where the fun is at! You will play through the game as Marcus Fenix (player 1) and Dom Santiago (player 2) fighting to save the earth from the locust hordes. It may seem challenging because the locust have such a wide variety of soldiers to attack you, via, Boomers, Theron Guards, Reavers and even the occasional Berserker (better be quiet!). But don't worry, there is a large selection of weapons for you to choose from to counter their attacks - Lancers (with a chainsaw attachment (fun!), shotguns, sniper rifles (my personal favorite), the Hammer of Dawn and much more!

There are 5 Acts (levels) in this game, each with their own unique environment. Act 1 (Ashes) - Marcus is broken out of prison by Dom and they fight their way out of the building and into the destroyed town to meet up with other squad members. Act 2 (Nightfall) - Marcus and Dom trek through a town at night to locate an emulsion mining factory, along the way fighting locust and avoiding the Kryll (carniverous bat creatures). Act 3 (Belly of the Beast) - Marcus and Dom, along with 2 other team members, Cole and Baird reach the emulsion mining factory and fight their way through the factory and deep under ground in an attempt to destroy the locust tunnels. Act 4 (The Long Road Home) - Finds Marcus and Dom fighting massive numbers of locust as they strive to reach the Fenix estate in search of data that can help turn the tide of the war. Act 5 (Desperation) - Follows Marcus and Dom through a lengthy train level and ends with the encounter with General RAAM.

The only reason I did not give this game a 10 (even though I absolutely love this game!) is because of the lack of story in the game. Don't get me wrong, Gears of War has a fantastic, rich story, it's just not all shown in the game (via cinema/cut scenes). Most of what I learned about the story was what I found out on the internet. This is something that I really wish the developers had taken the time to include.

Gears of War will not be going anywhere anytime soon, with already a sequel in the works and an upcoming movie (which I hope does the game justice). I can't wait!!! If you have an Xbox and do not have this game, then you are REALLY missing out!