This game is awesome in every single aspect

User Rating: 10 | Gears of War X360
So Gears of War (GOW) dropped last fall and I have played it since then until now because the multiplayer is so darn addicting. First I am going to start with gameplay/story because this is what can make a gamer interested in a game. The story mode consists of five acts, all of them decent in length and amazing in action. The story is not entirely long but you do feel that you cover a lot from beginning to end. It also features co-op which is extremely awesome if you actually have friends willing to play with you. There really are not any bosses until the last act when you fight the main locust. The weapons are extremely awesome because they are very unique while still reminding you of familiar weapons. For example, you have an assault rifle, lancer, but instead of just being a good mid-range weapon it has a chainsaw bayonet attached so you can slice up some enemies and hear your character make some awesome sounds. The only bad thing about the story mode is the part where you are on a vehicle and have to shine a light on the enemies. The graphics are definitely second to none and the voice acting is superb especially because the guy who does bender in Futurama does the main character's voice.

Multiplayer is, hands down, the best on the 360 to date. The games are usually 4 on 4 and no re spawn which is used to full advantage in this game. All of the weapons from story are there as well. I think this game is so addictive because it blends reality with fiction in every aspect of the game from the plot to the weapons to the multi player. Games like COD 4 and R6V are too realistic in all aspects which makes them get boring quick. Some games can be too unrealistic which can be negative but it is not as bad as being too realistic. All in all, if you have a 360 and don't own this game you should die, not kidding go kill yourself. TheDarkKnight 21 is not responsible for any suicides connected to the reading of this review.