Not as good as MICROSOFT hyped it up to be
User Rating: 5.8 | Gears of War X360
This game is alright but nothing like they said,after all KILL SWITCH done the same thing . Better if you ask me when you are running holding the A button when you are fighting RAMM you will get pulled to the sides on that train ride mission. Then those Krill attack you then you die. The online play is OK if some cry baby don't team kill you before the game starts. Since he is waiting for his buddies to join and you took his spot.That is even on an unranked game too. But it is cool when you shot the Tork Bow and have a hit and watch them blow up at least that works pretty good most of the time. Just annoying to have to save DUMB DUMB DOM all the time then you wind up getting killed since he runs right in the line of fire. Instead of ducking behind cover, unless of course you are trying to duck behind something he will do what all AI does best GET IN THE WAY. Once you beat the game then you go back and search for the COG Tags Lancer has a chainsaw which gets stuck yes I hold down the button I don't let go when it revs up but it will get jammed sometimes if there are 4 or more kills in a row . To be honest with you FEAR was by far better smooth game play on an off line sorry MICROSOFT its a DUD