Multiplayer campaign is awesome!
User Rating: 10 | Gears of War X360
I'm not a FPS fan but I played this at a friends. Now Half of my games are FPS. I honestly love this game now! Found Deathmatch (online multiplayer) to be kinda boring but campaign with a second player REALLY ups the review! As soon as one chapter is finished it's almost impossible not to play "just one more"! Very interesting story too. Nice assortment of weapons. Characters are relatable. It really is one of the best games out there! I advise ANYBODY to get it. Having a second player makes it a lot better but it is stkk an awesome game. I'm on my, what, fourth playthrough?! Depending on skill it can be fairly short. Finishing it in a day is not a stretch. Still. Most 360 owners do have this for a reason! At this stage it is kinda filler in the review but it is a deadly game. Got me into First Person Shooters and before Resi 4 was a stretch. Definately 10/10