Gears of War is simply an outstanding action game that revolutionizes shooters as the gaming world knoes it.
User Rating: 9.6 | Gears of War X360
Gears of war is like nothing the third person shooting base has ever seen. It brings basically a whole new gameplay system to gamers, that turned out perfect. You play in a futuristic sci-fi like world in a waging war between humans and aliens. The object of the game mainly is to take cover behind pretty much anything you can think of, and pop out and aim or blindfire to kill your enemies, with various weapons. Most of the weapons are typical in shooters such as the shotgun, and machine gun (machine gun actually being somewhat unique, due to the fact that there is a chainsaw bayonet attached). But then again there are some unique weapons such as the torque bow, and hammerburst. There is also a new type of health system that works very effectively. You have a red circle or gear that appears in front of the screen in which fills with blood. The gear only shows up when being shot or hurt, and once it disappears your health is full again. But if constantly shot or damaged the gear will fill with blood and you will be "Downed." At this point, you will fall to your knees where you can be revived by another player, or tap A to either get up or slow down the time it takes for you to die. If not an opponent may finish you off. Otherwise getting downed, you may be shot with a devastating blow that can kill you instantly. Only thing somewhat fustrating is the length of the campaign which is rather short, but the overall fun of the game is in the online play which never gets boring. There are four types of online play types currently which are Execution, Warzone, Assasination, and Annex. Execution is where there are two teams with 4 players maximum (all game types have two teams with 4 players maximum on each) and basically you need to kill each other. If someone is downed, they can tap the A button to get back up. Warzone is set in the same way, just you must be revived in order to get up, and tapping A just keeps you from dying quicker. Both these games are played in rounds, and if you die you must spectate until the next round starts. The next game is assisination. There is a leader on each team, and the round ends once that leader is killed by an opposing team. The last game type is annex, in which there are no rounds, and you spawn a few seconds after dying. You cannot get up from being downed in this type, and you must have a player revive you. The object of this game is that there is a circle area on the map in which a certain team must control for a set time. the first team to control the area for the set time wins. Overall, Gears of War is one of the best games of 2006 and 2007 and should not be missed by anyone who owns an xbox 360.