This game actually in some ways it brings me back to games like Duke Nukem 3D, Quake, and Doom.

User Rating: 9.1 | Gears of War X360
When I first heard about Gears was when I looked at a shot of it's amazing graphics engine displayed on the cover of Game Informer. To say the least the game looked gorgeous, the character models where almost flawless and the enviroments looked seamless and amazing. To say the least it looked like nothing I had seen before. So then as two years passed by and I heard more and more I just figured it was going to be a hyped fueled overrated machine. Then the day before it's release I put reserves on the collecter's edition. So the next day before indulging in this game I decided I would read through the designer's notes and different extras they had in the collecter's tin. Then after reading this story which I thought was pretty good and interesting I played the game. The first thing I noticed was, "Did the designer's just waste their time writing this story to attach to the game?" becuase I didn't see it anywhere, as a matter of a fact I actually saw a trailer that pretty much summed up the entire games story line that they could of just put in the begining to at least get an idea of who these beasts where that you where shooting at. But even with that disapointment , the gameplay and visuals made up for it. The graphics where great and the action was great. It truely reminded me of the orginal Doom, in the respect that it's graphics and gameplay where revolutionary and that it sold so many copies, also the gameplay reminded me of games like the orgional Doom, Quake, and Duke Nukem 3D. Just in the way that all it was is basically just blast into groups of enemies and use tons of bullets every level, also the way that it was so addictive reminded me of these games. Then after blasting through the campaign in a day or two I began multiplayer. Which was so basic, but so addictive. Also multiplayer has many of players, becuase I mean we can't deny it the hype on this game was ridiculous so many people are playing and with many people playing Epic is realeasing plenty of updates. So you don't have to worry about the community dieing down a whole lot becuase it is currently the top played game on Xbox Live. So overall I think Gears of War is a good game and definely worth buying.