Really Good

User Rating: 9.3 | Gears of War X360
This game has, a short but fun and not very long campaign. Somethings could of been better for better of for worse. The characters and different enemies in the campaign mode add a different element to the game each time. Then you have the boss fights which are sometimes easy ( Corpser) and or are very difficult ( General RAAM). The Game's hardest difficulty level inane is not that hard at all. The Co - Op campaign in this game is extremely fun via Xbox Live you can play friends, and or go through split screen or system link. The multi-player in this game is extremely well done but the different game modes can have more variety, with an objective game type i.e like capture the flag. The online though is extremely fun and has great potential, but this is were it ends. Lag in this game is incredible and such and the host has a large advantage with other players, and is not an even playing field. Also the number of glitches in this game ruins the online in this game making it sometimes not the extremely fun game that it was intended to be. There are many original qualities that gears of war adds to video games, the excellent mechanic of using Third Person, and First Person aiming. The active - reload shots making shots stronger, and giving a skill to master. Also the two original weapons that have been added the hammer of dawn the big laser beam that kills, and the Torque blow which shoots exploding arrows. This game is also very team based and a good team that communicates, will always beat a team that does not communicate, making this a game not very run and gun like halo but more tactics, and difficulty to the online.
The graphics in this game are extremely well done being some of the best to date. They also have there own original feel that is different then other shooters.
The sound in this game goes very well with the Game play, being very drawn in.
All in all this is a excellent game, and does deliver, but some people will not be appealed, and does have a long online learning curve, and a very violent, racist, sexist online community. But if you are a fan of online shooters this is a must buy.