This game has a great campaign both in co-op and in solo, as well as a relatively fun multiplayer versus mode.
User Rating: 9.5 | Gears of War X360
This game was great in solo campaign and in co-op campaign. It gives you a good balance of weapons which you can hold three of. You get a one side arm and two main weapons and up to 4 grenades. This is a very balanced system in the way they did it and in my opinion enhanced the playing experience. Another great thing was the balance between the power of the weapons and your character and the enemies health. The weapons are immensely powerful and your enemies tend to be stupid and a pain in the a$$ to kill and your character is a wimp on the other hand. The best point of balance in my opinion is the Lancer. It is a fully automatic assault rifle that has a chainsaw attached. While the bullets do just enough damage to kill the average enemy with a single clip or less, the chainsaw is the ultimate close ranged weapon next to the awesome shotgun. The only thing that keeps your puny character from dieing is the massive amount of cover is literally everywhere and everything i cover...walls, cars, blocks of concrete, etc. Without this cover it would however be impossible to get past the first level and is therefore a very good thing. The multiplayer (versus mode) is very fun if you have Xbox-Live or system link however, the multiplayer is not as fun with only two people (which is the maximum on one console). It is about the same as campaign except with real people who can actually make a strategy and win. The multiplayer has all the weapons of the campaign. However it does not have any vehicles which makes sense for that game. The graphics of this game are amazing compared to even Halo 3's graphics. The sound effects, graphics, and game-play all balance out and make it a terrific game. Over all this game is addicting, fun, and is definitely a game you would want to play again and again.