A visually pleasing game, while still being fun

User Rating: 9 | Gears of War X360
Gears of War is one of Epic's finest 3rd person shooters. It has all the gore and intense violence that any FPS gamer will enjoy. While being a tad bit soft on the main storyline, Gears wont disapoint you in this very well designed game.

The Storyline of the war follows a dark and doomed planet- Earth. The alien horde known only as the locust rose out of the ground and wiped out every major city in the world. Then the locust fought fiercely, wiping out nearly everything that was thrown at it. The coalition of governments (COG) created the specialized Gears unit to combat the seemingly unstopabble locust war machine. You, the player, assumes the role of Marcus Fenix- a rag tag Gears soldier who was thrown in prison due to disobeyment of orders. You'll lead Marcus on a march to try and defeat the Locust in mankinds darkest hours.

The game takes place in a war-torn earth battlefield. Mankind was at its highest peak of achievemnet before the Locust destroyed the human settlements. The game is very... dark, dark and gloomy. Epic makes all the environments look visually appealing and different. You'll never traverse the same street twice, and each street has its own advantages.

The game lends its incredible play style to the cover system. Its easy to use and because the AI is pretty smart, you will need to take cover if you wanna survive this hell of an earth. To take cover you simply go up to a wall, or whatever it is you wanta take cover behind, and press A. Its simple and easy. While your taking cover you can either blind-fire and not risk getting killed. Or aim and fire, exposing yourself but increasing your killing potential.

Multiplayer is where this game truly stands out. You can rip through your enemys with a chainsaw or blast there head off with a sniper rifle. The servers arent too laggy most of the time and are always a blast. This game can make you a late night gamer if you stick at it.

Gears of War is a game deserving of its acclamed glory and is a fun experience. The AI will challenge you and its a good experience. Expect Gears of War 2 too be even more amazing though. Expect Gears 2 later this Year (2008) or next year.