This game was the best game that I've ever played!

User Rating: 9.9 | Gears of War X360
Gears of War made me jump up and down when I bought the game. When I started playing it I bounced around my whole house. Here are the details for my attributes.

Graphics: Out of all the awesome things in the game this is the best. It is so realistic. The texteres are incredible. There are a few bland spots, but the spots are certainly minor.

Sound: Awesome sound effects. Voice acting is great and the soud effects of the guns are also great.

Gameplay: Everything responds great and with the superb cover mechanic it just makes it even better. Best use of chainsaw

Extras: The chainsaw is so awesome when your chainsawing a loust. Blood spladers all over your screen then fades away and leaves a display of tons of gore. You can even see the orgins of the locust after it somehow explodes open. The snipers are awesome. If you snipe something in the head then there head will fly right off. Grenades also rock

Conclusion: This is a must buy game. If you aren't aloud to play M games then thaat's the only reason that you shoudn't get the game.