Unique but lacks something...
I personally quite like the story line and the few twists and turns that it takes. So I feel there is no reason to be to judgemental on the atmosphere the game tries to create via it. Your soul gets seperated from your body and one of your team mates is captured. You first have to rescue him and then locate your body. You also meet a dead girl by the name of Gigi who helps you adapt to your new form.
The game play is amazing really. The mechanics of possessing items such as phones, computers, bins, rats, fans, bats, dogs, people and so many more things is a fantastic concept and as far as the game uses it; it works well. The trouble is that the idea isn't expanded on. For example you can't possess anything pointlessly (which would be nice and make the levels feel more open ended).
The second main gripe which people seem to have (and I agree) are the sluggish controls. The FPS aspects of the game is a fantastic idea but they really lacked on the controls. the character seems heavy and sluggish and other than strafing, you move fairly slowly (especially whilst trying to alter where you are looking). This does make some of the bosses slightly irritating BUT this shouldn't stop you from enjoying the game.
The A.I in the missions mode is fairly dumb to be honest posing little difficulty. Though one of the reasons this may be is because in most circumstances, if you are killed in a gun fight, you simply drift around as a ghost until you can find another host (unless it was a required host that died, in which case the game informs you of this and asks if you qould like to quit or restart the part of the level you were on). In multi-player however, the bots seem to work a lot better and present themselves as much more of a threat.
They aren't as bad as some people make out to be, but aren't as good as others may suggest. There are some nice features (such as when you look at the medicine cabinets, you can see individually labelled bottles) but overall they do look slightly dated. I personally don't mind the graphics however because the whole game has a 'dream-state' feel to it and in some ways, they add to this effect.
In short, the graphics don't make the game unplayable by any means, but don't enter the game expecting something like the metriod prime games.
The sound is okay for the game. Not amazing but it does work most of the time. One of the best things is actually the sound of the gun fire, which is actually of quite a high quality most of the time.
This game should be a classic because of its diverse, original concept; but i doubt it will become one. Hopefully there will be a sequeal to it released which fixes the bugs of this one and thus, would then be a truly amazing game.
You should experience this game for yourself. I personally bought it just because it is so orinigal. I am still playing on it and the multiplayer modes are very original and prolongs the games life, especially if you find all the secrets in the single player mode, as they unlock more levels (they aren't that difficult to find either, which actually works to the game's advantage!).
Again in short, go rent it at least, because this is a unique expericence that shouldn't be missed!