With an original concept, Geist is a breath of fresh air to the gamecube.
Unlike most FPS, Geist has an original concept and storyline which has never been done before. You take control of Raimi, a scientist sent to collect cell information, (a bit like half-life). However just as your about to make your escape an evil spirit takes control of a soldier and shoots you. This then leads to you to be subjected to a ghastly experiment which rips your spirit from you body, nice! This opening start really grabs you and draws you into the game in a sort of “I need to know what happens next” kind of thing. The games music score is very good making a creepy atmosphere, which really compliments the game.
The general gameplay consists of you having to scare the living hell out of things and then possess them to progress. Some of the things you have to do to scare people are great but I’m not going to spoil them for you. When you’re not flying around as a spirit, you’re usually engaging a great selection of enemies’ Inc, spiders, imps, soldiers, and spirits. Geist also has a large and very impressive weapons array’ Inc, pistols, machine guns, rocket launchers, wrench, grenades, and that’s not all. During a fight you can dispossess Raimi, then possess an explosive crate and blow the enemy to kingdom come.
The way you can do this without getting your host killed is because when you glide around as a spirit, time slows down like the matrix. This game is truly impressive as this original idea works great.
The graphics are very good, not as good as something like halo but still very solid with great level design. You can see a lot of effort from n-space and Nintendo has gone into this title from every aspect of the game. There is one thing to note though. The game only runs on 60Hz televisions, so if you don’t have access to 60Hz don’t get it. Also it only takes up 2 blocks of memory. Hang on that can’t be all…..erm… oh yeah I remember!! Giest also has a fab multiplayer for up to 4 players simultaneous.
The multiplayer is as original as the main game too. Not only do you run around killing, but you can also possess the scenery and each other. If someone comes out of their host you can possess it and drag into flames of whatever takes your fancy. The other player has to get back in and hammer the A button to regain control. You have the usual playing modes like king of the hill and capture the flag as well. This may be no timesplitters but is still great and original.
Overall not the best shoot-em-up I’ve ever played and not the longest either. However with the original concept, level design, story, and abilities for a computer game character to have. The way the game grips hold of neck and won’t let go until you clock it, and haunts you in your sleep, “well chapter 9 will anyway”, this game is great. Go get it and enjoy.