This game is a mediocre one. And is only made barable because of the story and the possession power.
Early on you will receive a special ability. Possession. That means your metaphysical body can merge with dead or living objects. This ability makes for some fun and unique gameplay. The only problem is, it's not evolved enough. The objective is usually to locate a device in the environment and possess it. And with that device you can scare somone and make them frightened enough to be possesed. Some of these devices are inventive and are fun to watch as you set them of, but there's just not enough of that kind. Most of the time you just go by routine. Posses device, kill enemies with said device.
Doing spooky and weird stuff with devices is a lot of fun, killing yet another grunt by exploding a possessed box is not.
Boss fights. Repetivive, tedious and never ends. Boo. Most of them don't even require use of the metaphysical power. Circling around and blasting away at a boss for 10 minutes isn't my idea of a great boss fight. You will also fight the same boss over and over, but at different locations. That perticular boss can only be hurt by shooting it within a very small timewindow and that barely harms it. You know exactly what to do and how to kill it but you can't hurry up the process. At one point you can just stand in a corner and be safe from any damage. Just blast away and it will eventually die. Boo. And there is no real incentive to do otherwise, the bossbattles are so boring you just want to get them over with as fast as possible.
There is a lot of bad and annoying things that could have easily been fixed:
* Not all cutscenes can be skipped. This is seriously annoying because of the next three line in this list.
* No free savepoints.
* Loadtimes, every time you die the game will load the last savepoint.
* You have to make an active selection to save the game every time you die.
* Boss fights are way too repetitive.
* Tedious sub-tasks.
* Some objectives can become corrupted, forcing you to restart.
* Area behind door can become entirely black, forcing you to restart.
* If you activate boost when standing in a door you will get teleported back and faced to a closed door.
* There is serious slowdown when you fire your gun in open areas.
* Dog can get stuck and walk in air.
* Throwing dog-biscuits to get dog to move is a really boring sub-task .
* Below the lifebar in bossfights it says "BOSS". What? didn't have time to make up a decent name ?
These are the things I like:
* Possessing living or dead objects and scaring people.
* Good story, could have been a B-scifi movie.