It could have been so much better and oh how I wish it was I mean come on possessing people how did they make that suck?
Graphics: 5 Character models are OK but everything else is ugly
Sound: 3 There is nothing good in the sound department: music is crap voices are crap, sound effects are crap. I suggest playing this with the sound off (or an MP3 on)
Controls: 7 At first they are a little difficult but after a while you get used to them
Originality: 9 There is nothing even close to this on the shelves (whether that is a blessing or a curse, I'm not sure)
Entertainment: 7 Single player blows and is completely annoying while multiplayer is the only saving grace for this title.
Overall: 6.2 This game has a really good premise but executes it very poorly (it also gets the Most Frustrating Last Boss Fight Ever Award). If you plan on enjoying this game then stay far away from the single player and only play multiplayer because that is where the only fun is.