Geist places you as John Raimi, a scientist enlisted to help investigate the Volks Corporation lab, a hi-tech weapons research facility. At the end of the level, you get captured and your spirit is separated from your body, creating the main element in this game.
The puzzles (yes, puzzles) in Geist are very unique, having you manipulate certain objects in your current area in order to scare a "host" enough so that you can possess them. The shooter segments can get from tough to nearly impossible, sometimes making you have to "rehearse" them so you can get through relatively unscathed for the next section, and the 1-player mode's story is intriguing, and actually good.
The multiplayer mode is one of the best I have ever seen, ranking up with games like Perfect Dark. There are three modes, Possession Deathmatch, Capture the Host, and Hunt, and four difficulties for Bots, Easy, Medium, Hard, and Extreme. Possession Deathmatch is your standard deathmatch fight, except having you go around as a ghost possessing character with specific weapons as opposed to running around yourself collecting them. Capture the Host is a variation of Capture the Flag, having you possess a host and getting to a goal, killing opponents along the way. Hunt is by far the most interesting, pitting two teams, ghosts and hosts, against each other. The goal for the ghosts is to possess the hosts and kill them by moving them into deathtraps, such as spikes, live wires, and huge fans. The hosts’ goal is to eliminate the ghosts by shooting them with Anti-Spirit bullets and Anti-Spirit grenades.
Overall, Geist is a great game that is worth the $50 most stores are asking for, and is a great game to have, especially to play when you have friends over. Many of the levels are fun and have lots of replay value, even past the 100% unlockables, which, trust me, are worth it, and, for perfectionists like myself, 100% everything else minor. The only downside is that the graphics are not as good as they could possibly be, but do not hinder the gameplay. If you are a fan of 1st person shooters, and you have a Gamecube, then Geist is a great game to add to your collection.