Smartly written, fantastically voiced, this is one great retro-adventure.
For veterans of the genre, this game will feel right at home. While it does sport retro looks, the highly pixelated look of the early-mid 90's adventure game, players familiar with games like Gabriel Knight and Monkey Island will know that these are minor details compared to a great story and characters. And the story and characters here are quite fantastic. In fact, much about the game is fantastic. The voice acting and music are of special note, as they are produced to great effect. Never once does the voice acting feel cheesy or out of place. The production values for such an independent production are quite a surprise. Tension is ratcheted up by a few fire-fights here and there. Although these might seem out of place, they manage to work really well and add a sense of danger to a genre that tends to have no mortal consequence.
The story itself is very well written. Like so many games of it's ilk, it could have become dreadfully melodramatic. Instead, while the game does focus on some existential elements (and sometimes on obvious fashion), it doesn't dwell on these points too much. The fact that each character is voiced appropriately helps makes things smoother. By the end of the game, you will have a competent, even classic-worthy, cyber-punk/sci-fi tale in the vein of Blade Runner. And that, my friends, is no easy feat. The game is also well priced, far less expensive than any new dvd you would buy, but just as entertaining.
If you aren't already a fan of classic graphic adventure games, this might be a hard sell. The graphics are very retro and the gameplay is fairly rigid. But to those who are fans, or those who wish to wade through the gameplay, you will be rewarded with a rich story that is very rewarding in the end.