Wait, a no-name Sony published game is...good? Wow!
Other than the generic running around, finding items, and hack-n-slash fighting system, Genji throws in a special slow-motion move where you can slow down the enemies and time counterattacks perfectly to execute instant deaths to enemies (in most cases). That one feature right there made the combat 10 times more enjoyable. Other than that, the game feels like a fast-paced Onimusha, which isn't bad, but is uninspired.
Another beef I have is with the story. Don't get me wrong, it is good, but it tries to be overly complicated for it's own good. The story tries to be a deep, epic tale, but when you look at the bare bones of it, it's not special really.
They are really good. Some of the best I've seen to grace the PS2.
The music isn't all the great or stand-out. The voices for the characters are all in Japanese (with subtitles of course), and for the most part, you would think that that would help not ruin the voices, but it doesn't. Even the Japanese voices sounded like they could have used some work.
Unless you are going to replay the game with the New Game + style feature, then you'll probably never play this game again. Also, it's only about 6 hours long, which is crazily short...but sweet.
I only paid $10 for this game, and got 6 hours out of it. To me, that's plenty. The MSRP is $19.99 now, and even at that price, this game is a steal for how enjoyable it is. Definately worth checking out if you love action games, and I especially recommend it to those who follow Onimusha (like myself). It's the same style of game as Onimusha 3, and though at times can feel like a complete rip-off, the game is unique in it's own way.