Platforming with a camera horrible enough that I can't see my next platform is my new definition of hell.

User Rating: 7.2 | Genji: Days of the Blade PS3
It's been awhile since I've played a game this frusterating. On one hand, it's beautiful beyond belief. But the fancy visuals come at the price of the camera, which is fixed, zoomed right into your character, and often pointing the wrong way.

Imagine having to jump into the camera to reach a platform that you cannot even see, or fighting enemies in a location where the camera transitions between two fixed angles as you dodge between the left and right. This is the sole drawback of this game, IMHO.

Despite this, I did have fun, and would probably purchase this game again if I had the chance. I'd be hard pressed to recommend it, however, without first suggesting that you rent it first.