Genji: Days of the Blade

User Rating: 4.5 | Genji: Days of the Blade PS3
After playing the first Genji for the ps2 i was expecting this game to be just as good if not better. Boy was i wrong, they completely ruined the genji series for me with this game. first off the camera angles in this game aren't that good so its hard to tell where your being attacked from. Another thing that i didn't like about this game is they pretty much took out the rpg elements from this game. What i mean by that is, like in the first one you didn't have to rush through the game and you could explore a little bit. In this one your forced to go through without side tracking any. You can't buy swords or healths like you could in the first one. i rly like the first one but i just thought they did a poor job on the sequel. Finally i don't know how other people felt about this but i actually thought it was better when they had japanese voice overs with subtitles. The new voice overs were kinda cheesy to me. I would not recommed this game to anyone. This game is good for a rental at best.