A big smile appeared on my face when I saw this game was coming out. This has got to be one of the best games ever made, before the FF7 game. I've played it like 6 times now and every time I feel satisfied when I defeat the double-headed wolf. Unfortunatly Suikoden III was never released in Europe, so I had to wait for the 4th part in the series and now Suikoden 5 is coming to Europe at the end of the month, thank god for that. Waiting for Final Fantasy XII is such a drag. Suikoden rules, collecting the 108 stars of destiny rocks. :)
From the beginning of my gaming career, I never thought I would still be playing video games even now. One of the reasons is due to this amazingly underrated game. I don't know what gamespot was doing when they gave it... Read Full Review
Hi all you Suikoden lovers! this here is a remake of the first 2 suikodens, improvements: graphics, you can walk and run in diagnols, the rune spells and combo attacks are smoother, same old goodness, if you've played... Read Full Review