I'm so addicted to this game that I bought a new psp slim and the Japanese version of this game so I could play it.
User Rating: 10 | Gensou Suikoden I & II PSP
From the beginning of my gaming career, I never thought I would still be playing video games even now. One of the reasons is due to this amazingly underrated game. I don't know what gamespot was doing when they gave it a rating, but this game definitely deserves a 10 out of 10. This game showed me that no matter how pretty the graphics are, 2D sprites along with a big world, a load of things to do and an addicting storyline can turn **** graphics into the best game ever made. PERIOD.
I don't really have much else to say except that this game defined true gaming, and I have to write 100 words to be able to post this so I hope it is 100 now.