A remake of not 1, but 2 Suikoden games!
improvements: graphics, you can walk and run in diagnols, the rune spells and combo attacks are smoother, same old goodness, if you've played the first 2 on the ps1, all you need to do is remember the dialogue (or have a guide, both help).
cons: they didn't change anything significent, they took away the Muse - Mitilda checkpoint gate glitch (lets you push it and go recruit Futch and Humphrey..........before you even get Nanami (go try this on ps1 version)),
its in ****in japanese, the place where you change the main guy's name in both only have capital letters. (does that mean they don't know there are lower-case letters in english?), and a few other things
can't decide if pro or con: the spell and combo attack scenes are faster, they didn't change the story or charecters at all.
well thats all there is to say.
i put very hard due to not being in english and i only speak english.