Its still Geometry Wars so how can it be bad ?

User Rating: 9 | Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved 2 X360
Geometry Wars Retro Evolved 2 is the first Arcade game to hit for the Xbox 360 summer of arcade games. It is also the sequel to what most consider the best launch arcade game that was out when the 360 hit store shelves. So expectation have been high for this tittle.

So when you buy this game only one mode will be playable deadline which is really just evolved the mode from the original game with a time limit. It pretty good cause its only 3 mins long so you can get online play a game and be done with it in 3 minutes.. High Scores from the first game know that when there is no time limit games can go on for hours. The longer you play the mode game modes you unlock it will take you about 30mins to unlock all 6 modes.

King- Is geometry wars take on king of the hill when you can only fire while in a circle. The circles only last for a couple of seconds then you have to doge enemies intill you get to another circle. Its a decent mode but not the best but its still fun and addictive which is what geometry wars is all about trying to beat your high scores.

Evolved- This is pretty much the mode from the original with new enemies and a fresh look. Still an amazing mode some may be bored with it depending on how much they played the original.

Pacifism- is a new mode were you only use one joystick the entire game and you can't shoot your only tool of defense are these sticks that when you fly throw them they explode killing some of the blue diamond enemies. Its really addicting cause it feels so simple yet hard to master anyone can play this game even if they have never picked up a controller before.

Wave- Is what PGR4 racers have been playing think geometry wars but lines of enemies flying at you from multiple directions very fun.

Sequence- Is like a survival mode there are are a set of games you have to get throw to win very challenging and only the veteran players will be able to get this one all the way to the end.

I do have a couple of complaints about this game the new visuals are good but they have this glow affect which looks cool but it makes it hard to focus on your ship when the game really starts to pick up. Also the game uses a new method to up your multiplier every time you kill an enemy they drop an geom and you have to collect it to increase your multiplier. Also when you die you don't lose your multiplier it stays with you. Making it 10x easier to get a high score in this game than first...My high score in the first geometry wars evolved was around 500,000 and in geometry war 2 evolved mode is around 7 mil just to give an idea of how much easier it is.

Also the game does have multiplayer but its only local..Yes I know the technical limits the developers had to consider that most prolly arn't running a good connection and that if they did include it for 90% of people it would be a lag fest not even playable. But you can't help but think how awesome it would be.

So Geometry Wars Retro Evolved 2 is worth every dime of the 800 Micro Points it cost but its not perfect and its hard to see were the series can go from here before it starts to get old.