Cancel your weekend plans - This game is ridiculously addictive and you won't be putting it down any time soon.

User Rating: 9.5 | Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved 2 X360
To say this game is just a sequel is an understatement. Geometry Wars 2 puts the first Retro Evolved title to shame, and that's saying quite a lot considering what the first one was.

- This game is so utterly addicting you'll shake your head in disbelief when you realize you've just laid waste to an entire night of your life playing this 2D shooter.

- The game is fun, intense, adrenaline-packed, and one of the most perfectly executed gameplay premises to come along this generation.

- You will shoot these square, blue enemies and the likes more furiously than any alien or terrorist in Gears Of War or Call Of Duty.

- You will be in the edge of your seat when your life is hanging by an inch and you have to run away from these bastards.

- You will be viciously attempting to get the Achievements which make you play the game in an entire different and fun way.

- You will drop any activity scheduled for the coming weekend because shooting these weird enemies is like heroin or cocaine, only twice as addictive.

I could go on for ages. And to add insult to injury, Geometry Wars 2 is one of the best looking titles to ever be released on any system. There are hundreds of enemies on screen, thousands and thousands of particles filling your screen and all without a single drop in the framerate. This is the one title you'll want to show to your friends who happen to only have a PS2 or Gamecube.

Geometry Wars 2 is gaming at its best, it's a must have for everyone.