Look at all the pretty colors
Fans of the series will feel right at home right away and be surprised at how the new gameplay modes actually change the experience from what you already know and love. 6 modes total, 5 of them new, and finally co-op play. Sadly, the co-op is only available on a local connection, but it gives you a great reason to go to a buddie's house and plug in to check it out. It's adversarial, not co-op, but it's as fun as anything I've ever played for $10.
Think of this game as a throw back to old coin-op arcade games like Asteroids, Tempest, and Galaga but with a faster paced, seizure enducing color scheme. This game is addictive beyond belief, but is murder on the eyeballs after a while. I'd say that's about my only complaint...the fact that ou wanna keep playing but your eyeballs just can't take any more. This game is a must play, even if you only download the trial version. The achievements are pretty difficult, but you'll keep coming back just because of the fun.